10/01/88 Setting up your Wildcat 1.13 system for Ring Detect operation with the U.S. Robotics Courier HST, 9600 baud, MNP 5 modem at a DTE of 19,200 baud. --------------------------------------------- Makewild Screen Settings: Frame 3: 1) Port: 1, 2, 3 or 4 (as appropriate for your I/O card) 2) S7 Register: 33 3) Reset string: ATZ 4) Should be blank (startup 1) 5) Should be blank (startup 2) 6) Should be blank (startup 3) 7) Should be: AT H0 (reinitialize string) 8) Delay 1: 750 Delay 2: 750 Delay 3: 2800 (Range is 2000 to 3000.) 9) Initialize baud rate: 19200 10) Lock DTE: Y Frame 4: 1) Answer phone: R 2) Determine baud rate: R 300: 1 1200: 5 2400: 10 9600: 13 19200: 99 MNP 300: 99 1200: 15 2400: 16 9600: 17 19200: 99 3) Off hook: AT H1 4) On hook : AT H0 5) PRELOG display: 0 6) CTS/RTS Flow Control: Y U.S. Robotics HST Dip Switch Settings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 U D D D D U U D U U ATI4 Display USRobotics Courier 9600 HST Settings.... (Includes Nram storable settings PLUS dip switch defaults.) C=1 E=0 F=1 M=0 Q=0 V=0 X=1 B=0 BAUD=19200 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 DIAL=PULSE ON HOOK TIMER &A0 &B1 &G0 &H1 &I0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S1 &Y3 &K1 S00=000 S01=000 S02=255 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=030 S08=002 S09=006 S10=020 S11=070 S12=050 S13=000 S14=001 S15=008 S16=000 S17=000 S18=000 S19=006 S20=000 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 ATI5 Display USRobotics Courier 9600 HST NRAM Settings.... (Includes Nram storable settings ONLY.) DIAL=PULSE M=0 X=1 F=1 B=0 BAUD=19200 PARITY=N WORDLEN=8 &A0 &B1 &G0 &H1 &I0 &M4 &N0 &P0 &R2 &S1 &Y3 &K1 S02=255 S03=013 S04=010 S05=008 S06=002 S07=030 S08=002 S09=006 S10=020 S11=070 S12=050 S13=000 S19=006 S21=010 S22=017 S23=019 S15=008 STORED PHONE #0: #1: #2: #3: NOTES: S02=255 sets the command mode escape character to an undefined character rather than the normal "+". This is an additional safety measure to insure that users can not force your modem back into command mode. S10=20 increases the time that the modem waits after loss of carrier before it disconnects. This increases noise immunity and insures that users with call forwarding will not get disconnected. S19=6 turns on the inactivity timer in the HST and sets it to 6 minutes. This is an additional safeguard since Wildcat will normally disconnect after 5 minutes of no activity. B=0 sets the modem to answer with the international two-tone sequence. This will delay the connect by a second or two but normally causes no problems. One exception is some of the very cheap modems such as the ADC (sold by DAK, among others): The two tone sequence sometimes causes these modems to fail to connect. If you experience such a problem and anticipate no international calls, you can set B=1 which will force an answer with only the U.S. single-tone sequence. The Reinitialize String of AT H0 is not technically needed, but it provides an extra measure of protection to insure that the modem always goes on-hook. The same is true for Delay number 1 of 750: This could be 0 but is set at 750 as added protection. Delay number 3 is set so that the command to answer the phone is sent to the modem a few tenths of a second AFTER the ring result code is sent to the computer. This can be observed by watching the RD and SD lights on the modem. This may vary slightly on different phone systems. The important point is that the command to answer the phone MUST be sent in the clear; it can not overlap the modems ring result code being sent to the computer! Pins 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,20 and 22 MUST be connected in your modem to serial port cable. CTS and RTS handshaking MUST be used. If you are running on a genuine IBM PC/XT or other 8088 machine with a 4.77 MHz. clock, you CAN NOT use 19200 baud without errors! For those machines, change the baud rates referenced above to 9600 as that is your maximum non-error baud rate! (AT machines, 8088 machines with an 8 MHz. clock, and other higher-performance machines work great at 19200 baud.) If you are running a machine with a buss speed of 8 MHz. or faster, your Uarts should be 16450's or 16550A's. 8250's experience unreliable operation at higher speeds. 16550A's support buffered transfer and are highly recommended as the Uart of choice. If you should, for some reason, wish to unlock DTE so that the Com port always tracks the callers baud rate, change &B1 in the modem initialization to &B0 and Makewild Frame 3, Line 10 from Y to N. This is NOT normally recommended. If you are running an updated or newer HST modem with MNP level 5 and 17,400 baud, you have two additional parameters to check and set: 1) If your board is used primarily for ascii exchange or messages, you can set MNP 5 Data Compression ON by specifying &K1 in your NRAM. If your board has a significant amount of file transfer activity involving files that have been compressed (ARC, PKARC, SQ, etc.), you can set MNP 5 Data Compression OFF by specifying &K0 in your NRAM. Setting MNP 5 ON when transfering already-compressed files can INCREASE the transfer time by approximately 5%, but will DECREASE the transfer time of menus and ascii text by up to 50%. You may wish to set Data Compression ON (&K1) and allow the user to make what he feels is the optimum selection for him by selecting &K1 or &K0 either in his own modem or by his Communications Package's control strings. If his modem is set to &K0, it will cause your modem to connect at &K0 regardless of the status of your &K register (the lower value prevails.) 2) Be sure that register S15 is set to 000 or 008 to insure proper handshaking and MNP 4 operation: The undocumented (reserved) registers on the USRobotics HST modem control, among other things, the size of the modem's buffer under different connect conditions. The default (S15=000) sets a buffer size of 4K under all conditions. Setting S15 to 008 causes the modem to adopt a 128 byte buffer for non-ARQ connections. The size remains at 4K for all ARQ and 9600 baud connections. This allows those sysops using HST modems to setup their system so that the Spacebar to skip, Control-C to abort, etc., will continue to work with a resonable response time for those calling in with conventional slow speed modems. Yet, they may still maintain a locked DTE of 19.2K baud and a 4K buffer for those using the higher baud rates and MNP. (This command is ONLY of value to those running bulletin board systems; others should leave it set to 000.) Special Note: Some Live Programs do not properly support CTS hardware handshaking. If you run such a program you may overrun the modem's buffer using the 128 byte buffer. In this case, you will not be able to set Register S15 to 8 and must use a setting of 0. To use your Wildcat-programmed HST modem with a communications program such as Qmodem 3.1a, WITHOUT having to reprogram it, specify the following in the communications program's modem initialization string: ATZ{~~ATE1M3QOV1X7S2=43{. When you later use your HST modem with Wildcat, it will then automatically return to the proper setup. The procedures and recommendations contained herein have been devised with two goals in mind: To provide the fastest throughput possible with the HST modem at ALL baud rates and MNP levels, and to insure the most reliable and tamper-free operation possible under all operating conditions. How to program the NRAM in your HST Modem: ------------------------------------------ No doubt some of you are now saying, "Well, this looks fairly simple, but how do I get all that stuff stored in to the modem in the first place???" Good question! There are two ways to easily do this.. The first involves using your favorite communication program to enter the correct values in to the modem and then store them in to the NRAM (which stands for Non-Volatile RAM, incidentally). To do this, hook the modem up to your Com port (it can be the same port and machine on which you intend to run Wildcat). Next, load your favorite communications program and go to terminal mode (make sure that your Com port numbers agree). Type ATZ and you should see the modem respond with the number 0 (assuming your dip switches are set as I have detailed above). At this point type ATI5 and you should see a list similiar to the one above. Compare the two lists and you will see some items that don't agree (ignore the English Language entries): These are the ones we want to change! Type AT followed by those entries that need to be changed (for example: AT&Y3M0B0S02=255S10=20&A0&B1) followed by a carrage return. Keep in mind that the maximum length of a command is 40 characters, so use more than "AT" command if you have to. Once you have changed everything that needs to be changed, type ATI5 again and check your changes. If you made any mistakes, Use AT to change them and type ATI5 again to double-check. Once you are satisfied with your settings, type AT&W and a carrage return. This tells the modem to record the changes that you have made in the NRAM so that the modem will use those values as it's default. The ATZ (reset modem) command will automatically load these values in to the modem as will a power-on reset. The other way to enter your values is to use the Startup String capability of Wildcat. Enter the required "AT" commands in to startup strings 4, 5, and 6 (you will not need all the stringes usually) of Frame 3 to change the modem values as necessary (refer to my discussion on values in the paragraph above). Now for the important part! As the last command in the last Startup String that you have used, add our friend "&W". Now change Delay Number 1 (Frame 3, Line 8) to 1000 instead of 0. When you load Wildcat this will enter the values in to the modem and then store then in to the NRAM (by virtue of the "&W" command at the very end). After you have loaded Wildcat the first time and watched the modem become initialized (you will see this happen on the Wildcat startup screen), you can change your Makewild settings back to those given at the beginning of this article. Your HST modem is now initialized and the values stored for Posterity in NRAM! Now you might ask, "Why don't I just leave the information in the Startup Strings of Makewild?" Another good question! There are two good reasons why this is not desirable: 1) The time required to recycle Wildcat will be increased by the very significant factor of 200 to 600 percent. 2) There is always the possibility that a caller might call at the wrong time or some other "glitch" might occur that would cause improper values to be loaded at Wildcat recycle time. Good luck, and enjoy the pleasure of 17,400/9600 baud! Tom Tcimpidis, Sysop The MOG-UR'S EMS (Wildcat Beta Site # 87-108) 818-366-1238 (HST 17400/9600, MNP5 2400/1200) Granada Hills, CA -EOF-